Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

A value of friendship

You know, sometimes your life is gonna be up and down, rolling back or forth, sometimes giggling, many times crying or cursing shits that happens to you. I think it's alright. It's natural. It's life. But the bottom of all of it is a question about when you're good, sober enough, you don't fucking care who is standing beside you because all you know is happiness, everything around is as awesome as you are.

When shits happens..
all you want to do is just closing your eyes so tears won't come up so nobody around knows how pity you are. People can hide it as long as they want but people can't heal it. It needs a medicine, something that will make sure it let go that far far away and the medicine is simple yet cheap. It's your friends.

I am personally grateful for not stopping to seek for friendship cause i believe everything that i think will worth to have, worth to fight. So dear God, thanks for giving me some blessing friends and i promise You, and myself, for not letting them go, to not waste them, to treat them the way they want to be treated, and more of it, to love them much more than they do.

Guys, dudes, lads, buddies, friends..
Hope our friendship moments always be lasting, at least I should die first if you want it to go ;)


p.s: who says it's easy to have a friend who will always backing you up, be there for you at the time you need them, no, it's hard. So that's why i stop searching for that kind of friends and start to take a reverse, why not me being that kind of friends? Let's be friend :)

A perfect song from

Ingrid Michaelson

" Around You "

I call you my friend
And thats all that I do
Why do I have to pretend
To find ways to be around you?

You've been there all along
Holding my hand like you do.
Why do I feel that its wrong
To love to be around you?

And I think I'm losing my mind
maybe I've been hopelessly blind to your beauty
And you have a sweet sinful smile
I'm in trouble
Cuz you turn me upside down and around and around

Do you feel what I feel? Well?
Do you feel this way too?
That every wound seems to heal when I am around you

And I must be losing my mind
Maybe I have been hopelessly blind to your beaauty.
And you have a sweet sinful smile
I'm in trouble
You turn me upside down and around and around and around

And I must be losing my mind maybe you have a sweet sinful smile
I'm in trouble
Cuz you turn me upside down and around and around
Turn me upside down and around and around
Turn me upside down and around and around

My feet don't touch the ground when I'm around you
When I'm around you you you you you

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Cesc Fabregas, RARW!

First of all, I'd seriously like to thanking God for the rare opportunity that I got yesterday. Second, another important aspect, to Kompas Media Group especially for Kompas Muda, especially for all the reporter, photographers, and all seniors that I met yesterday.
Third, of course for Biskuat Tiger Cup that brought Cesc all way too far from his comfort zone in London to another (un)comfort city, Jakarta.

Yesterday, June, 22nd in Shangrila Hotel, I had a chance to meet up with one of the most spectacular, good-looking, young, best, sexy, (u named it) football player from Arsenal team: Fabregass. It's really not an easy way to finally reached that. So many things to do, few dramas, and many hopes, and I'll keep my mouth shut for it. Ask me personally if you want to know ;)

But all I can say is he really deserves to be a top player, aside of his technic of dribbling ball, he's super intelligent or atleast really mature for people in his age, 24. He's also super funny, super friendly, and super cute. I'll give you another why:

Me: Can I shake your hand?
Cesc: Oh sure
Me: (then) can I also hug you?
Cesc: Yes, of course.

See? How friendly he is :) *i know you're gonna kill me girls *peace*

I also wrote down some notes when he's being interviewed but I won't write those stuffs here cos it will be on my next article in Kompas Muda. So, check it ur self, guys! lol

As if it was Kaskus, you won't believe me til I give you some pics, right? So here they are gan..

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

If I'm not your one

It just comes up on my mind. I feel lost. I never tought it's easy yet i never tought it's that hard. While missing you is officially true, are you feeling the same way at the exact same time to me?

Goddamm you're too beautiful to me. Having a thought that you'd sing this song to me is just like a beautiful lie.

But dearest you, here's to you..

If You're Not The One

If your not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If your not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings, but I know your here with me now.
We'll make it through and I hope you are the one I share my life with.

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand.
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

If I don't need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If your not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If your not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don't know why you're so far away but I know that this much is true.
We'll make it through and I hope you are the one I share my life with.
And I wish that you could be the one I die with.
And I pray that you're the one I build my home with.
I hope I love you all my life.

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand.
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

'Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away.
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today.
'Cause I love you, whether its wrong or right and though I can't be with you tonight, you know my heart is by your side.

I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand.
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there anyway that I can stay in your arms?

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Casillas Seksi, Afrika Bangga!

Casillas tak dapat membendung air matanya saat peluit panjang 2×45 dan tambahan 2×15 menit ditiup oleh sang wasit Howard Webb asal Inggris dini hari tadi.

Pergelaran 4 tahunan ajang piala dunia itu pun resmi ditutup dengan kemenangan Spanyol atas Belanda 1-0. Ajang paling bergengsi insan sepak bola dunia ini menjadi tolak ukur kehebatan masing-masing tim dari setiap negara untuk menunjukan kemampuan terbaiknya. Tensi yang panas pasti tercipta saat laga final, tak terkecuali dalam final ini. Lebih dari 6 kartu kuning dan 1 kartu merah menandakan sengitnya pertandingan. Belum lagi banyaknya diving yang dilakukan pemain, dan insiden seperti Zidane mungkin memang tidak terjadi, tapi yang hampir serupa, insiden penendangan ke dada pemain Spanyol, Xabi Alonso oleh De Jong.

Casillas, sebagai seorang kapten mempunyai beban berat dalam mengemban tugas terutama menjadi jendral di laga final yang disaksikan jutaan pasang mata di dunia tentunya “layak” untuk menangis ketika Iniesta berhasil lolos dari offside dan membuat gol kemenangan.

“Casillas membuat cowok terlihat seksi saat menangis,” ujar salah satu teman diaccount facebooknya.

Casillas memang layak memperlihatkan air matanya di hadapan publik karena rasa lelah dan tekanan batinnya seolah telah hilang. Spanyol memang hebat. Spanyol adalah tim kedua yang berhasil mengalungkan Piala Dunia dan Piala Eropa dalam kurun waktu 2 tahun sekaligus, setelah Jerman. Spanyol pun melewati hadangan yang berat saat melawan Jerman di semifinal.

Muka kekecewaan tak luput dari wajah para pemain Belanda. Sebagai tim yang bagus namun tidak pernah menang piala dunia ini tahun ini dirasa paling tepat untuk mengahiri kutukan itu. Namun apa daya, protes keras pemain Belanda yang besikukuh mengatakan Iniesta terkena offside pun malah berbalas kartu kuning oleh sang wasit. Miris.

Sedangkan Afrika Selatan sudah sepatutnya bangga. Jelas, bukan karena prestasi persepakbolaan Benua Hitam itu tahun ini, namun lebih karena keberhasilan mereka menyelenggarakan ajang Piala Dunia. Salut!

Closing Ceremony tampil begitu impresif dan memukau. Shakira dan ratusan penari dan penyayii penutup pagelaran akbar tersebut dengan apik. Tradisi lokal Afrika bercampur dengan dahsyatnya penggambungan dengan multimedia membuat seolah kita bukan berada di ajang piala dunia. Lebih mirip saat presentasi di kantoran atau di perusahaan. Karena efek-efek slide show, musik, dan terakhir adalah kembang api yang muncul saat Spanyol memegang tropi sangatlah ciamik. Benar kata Shakira, This Time For Africa. Benar kata Paul si gurita, This Time For Spain. Viva la Furia Roja!

Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Jerman pantas kalah

“Si gurita Paul keren prediksinya tepat!” “Wah bener kata gurita, Spanyol yang menang.” Begitulah segelintir komentar mengenai hasil kemenangan 1-0 Spanyol atas Jerman dini hari tadi di twitter. Paul atau si gurita peramal asal Eropa mungkin dapat menjadi ikon baru untuk menjadi patokan kemenangan sebuah tim di Piala Dunia 2010 ini, namun dini hari ini Jerman pantas kalah.

Jerman memulai laga piala dunia dengan cukup impresif. Menang 4-0 atas Australia, walau kalah 1-0 dari Serbia, hanya menang 1-0 dari Ghana, namun bangkit pada saat melibas Inggris 4-1 dan membantai Argentina 4 gol tanpa balas. Jerman sempat diunggulkan akan memasuki final dengan mulus. Lain halnya dengan Spanyol. Sempat terseok-seok hampir tidak lolos di fase grup, Spanyol mendapatkan tim kuda hitam Paraguay saat perempat final sebelum bertemu Jerman.

Jerman memiliki tim yang solid dan serangan balik yang mematikan, namun Jerman seakan lupa bahwa mengandalkan serangan balik adalah sesuatu hal yang rentan terhadap gempuran dan pertahanan dari kesebelasan Jerman itu sendiri. Jerman sering sekali digempur pertahanannya oleh tim lawan, hal tersebut mulai terlihat jelas saat Jerman melawan Argentina di babak perempat final. Jerman digempur habis-habisan sebelum akhirnya Argentina kehabisan akal dan tenaga dan Jerman melakukan serangan balik. Sebetulnya Jerman hanya akan bisa menyarangkan 1 atau 2 gol ke gawang Argentina jika pertahanan Argentina lebih solid dan fokus, karena 2 gol tambahan dari Jerman adalah murni kegagalan dari sistem pertahanan Argentina.

Saat melawan Spanyol pun Jerman hanya dapat menguasai 43% bola dilapangan. Terbukti itu adalah kunci kemenangan Spanyol yang dapat memaksimalkan serangan dan kesempatan-kesempatan mencetak gol. Spanyol memang terlihat kesulitan dalam memasuki pertahanan Jerman yang dihuni oleh para pemain berpostur lebih tinggi dari mereka, namun itu bukan menjadi kendala saat Puyol dapat menyudul dan membuat gol untuk kemenangan Spanyol. Tahun ini Jerman tidak dapat membalas kekalahannya dalam final Euro 2008. Jika Jerman tidak dapat memaksimalkan peluang bukan hanya dari serangan balik, maka Jerman memang pantas kalah. (ik)

Kamis, 17 Juni 2010


REVIIVAL itu gaweannya anak SMA 81 Jakarta. Tujuannya kenapa kita pake lagi nama ini itu buat ngebangkitin lagi semangat ga cuma satu angkatan, tapi juga langsung ke seluruh penjuru sekolahan karena udah ada 3 episode. So... Let's REVIVE! hahaha

but anyway, REVIIIVAL yang ketiga ini terdiri dari 2 sesi. Ga jauh dari 2 pendahulunya, REVIIIVAL juga ngadain SPORT AND ART COMPETITION dan ART SHOW atau pensi kali ya gampangnya haha anyhow, yang paling OK dari SPORT AND ART COMPETITION tahun ini menurut gue itu karena semua uang pendaftaran lomba GRATISSSSS TISSS TISSS !! mantap ga noh gan, soo kalau lo minat,

daftar sebelum tanggal 19 Juni ke SMA 81 Jakarta Jl. Kartika Eka Paksi, Jatiwaringin, Jakarta Timur

dan kalau mau nanya-nanya langsung aja gan ke :

WILDANA : 085717111905
AHDIAT :08569963628

atau kunjungi website kami di :

SEE YA THERE! Kapan lagi ikut lomba menangnya jutaan tapi GRATISAN? :D

ngerasa cantik lo?

pastinya, everybody was born with their own beauty.

afraid to see my face? let ask here!